Studenti realizují své projekty různě po světě a pro kvalitnější zpracování a provázaní těchto projektů pořádá České Vysoké Učení Technické akci Rozvojové září.
    Jednotlivé akce najdete na odkazech níže a na plakátě.
    The fifth Summer School of Humanitarian and Development Projects at The Czech Technical University in Prague will be focused on diverse development practices with a special focus on the role of architecture and technology. On the first day, summer school will be focused on an introduction to global development and the role of the technical fields in it. On the second day, various development projects will be introduced to the participants to show the diversity of the technical fields included in these projects. The third day will be focused on architecture. Register here: .
    More information here:
    the Tech4dev is part of Developing September where you find various activities 11-14th of September.
    Registrations will be open until September 3rd or until capacity is reached.
